Ä [8] P_NEWS (1:375/48) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ P_NEWS Ä Msg : #3717 [50] From : Jim Mooney 1:112/2020 Mon 04 Apr 94 12:23 To : All Subj : France ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ WILL FRANCE BE PUNISHED? BP>Yes...I saw it. The War On Drugs is just another bonfire to catch our attention while they destroy our freedom in the name of saving us...it's pretty effective, too. No one wants to speak out in favor of alternatives... BP>The WOD has become an effective tool of the bureaucrats and police who want to confiscate our property without a hearing and without just compensation...the state doesn't have the burden of proof in such cases... it just has to make an accusation and is then (legally) able to confiscate homes, cars, cash, etc... I was just watching a special on South Africa. They have violence, drugs, crime, etc, ten times worse than us. They also have an unemployment rate of over 50% among young men. When are we going to see the light? When young men are unemployed or wages are so low that they might as well be, there is crime and violence. Quit finding other reasons from family life to the phases of the moon to Saturday cartoons. As Ross Perot would say, "Good paying jobs, folks. Good paying jobs." Of course, our leaders are all in thrall to the Global Corporatist State, which actually wants to lower wages and increase unemployment in order to consolidate its power, as they are trying to do in France, which is just the first test case in the war on workers. With NAFTA being subordinated to GATT, the lowering of our wages, environmental protections, and workplace standards is inevitable. France was chosen as a test case in lowering wages by the Global Corporatist State since it is a first-rank nation with a large, organized, and volatile labor movement. The theory is that if they can succeed in cowing the proud and independent French, they can do it anywhere. Since the French resisted, the next move will be to "punish" France. Look for their market to dry up, orders to be cancelled, capital to flee, and their economy to plummet. At that point, their fifth column will begin to chant "I told you so." (Yes, France has its Rush Limbaughs.) French workers will be blamed for this engineered crash and be made guilty, so they will swallow the wage cut. Then, an artificial stimulus will be applied by the shadowy Corporatists to create short-term growth in the French economy in order to "prove" that the wage cut was good. This "proof" will then be used in other nations. They already have a heavy whip in our country with the subordination of NAFTA to GATT, which basically means any of those so-called protective "side agreements" will be destroyed by the lowest standards of the worst nation involved. Look for NAFTA to evolve into WFTA, also. World Free Trade Agreement. And nothing free about it. Just a way for the World Corporatist State to gain total control. The republicans are nakedly in bed with the corporatists. The democrats are being co-opted by them nearly as badly. Perot self-destructed. Nobody votes for Libertarians. So we are left with No alternative. We might start a people's movement over the computer networks to get out from under, but if you have noticed, with the fed's prosecution of PGP encryption and their pushing the Clipper chip, the guv. wants to make Sure the CIA, FBI, and NSA can listen in on everything we say. Pray for miracles ;') And of course, lower wages and more unemployment will lead to higher drugs and crime, causing a cry for more Police Power. The DEA has already destroyed due process with siezure and no-knock. Next they will try for Habeus Corpus. Can you see where this is going? But don't blame the gov, they are just a tool. The global corporatists want Law and Order (Hitler's cry also), so there will be no trouble once they assume direct control. If you study history, you will nearly always find that dictators get their start by denouncing some "sin" against public morality, then use public outrage against "sin" to gain control and destroy freedom. Works every time. And Ollie North's fine FEMA plan to declare martial law, suspend the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and seize all print and electronic media, is Still in place. It has Never been rescinded, and just awaits the go-ahead. ž SLMR 2.1a ž Easy writing makes hard reading. -Hemingway --- GEcho/beta * Origin: >*< The PAGAN BBS <*> 904-757-6523 >*< (93:9000/9)